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31 to 40 of 79 Results
Sep 1, 2023 - UMR QualiSud
Zoungrana, Stéphanie; Mouquet-Rivier, Claire; Somé, Jérome; Lanou, Hermann Biénou, 2023, "Portion sizes in women of childbearing age and young children in Ouagadougou (Burkina Faso) using a food photography atlas and salted replicas",, DataSuds, V1, UNF:6:2kAJN6rQmCD/widk17TRyg== [fileUNF]
This study was aimed to compare the accuracy and precision of portion estimation with a food atlas and with salted replicas relative to weighed records (the reference). The food portion photography atlas had been developed prior to this data collection with age-appropriate portio...
Aug 29, 2023UMR MIVEGEC
Malaria control : Improving access to pREventive, diAgnostical and CuraTive arsenal among rural and vulnerable communities (REACT2 project) The fight against malaria faces now the challenge of the emergence and expansion of the resistance to both curative (treatment) and preventi...
Aug 21, 2023 - UMR iEES-Paris
Labiadh, M. T.; Bouet, C.; Sekrafi, S.; Ltifi, M.; Attoui, B.; Tlili, A.; Hlel, M.; Rajot, J. L.; Henry des Tureaux, T., 2023, "Wind erosion flux measured over various land cover types in the arid region of southern Tunisia during 2012-2016",, DataSuds, V1
Data distributed here are part of the project “Quantification des émissions d'aérosols terrigènes en fonction de l'usage des sols : exemple du sud tunisien” funded by the CNRS/INSU LEFE program. The south of Tunisia is a region very prone to wind erosion because the soils have a...
Aug 18, 2023 - UMI TransVIHMI
Cames, Cecile; Diack, Aminata, 2023, "24-month virological outcomes in Senegalese children and adolescents participating in a standardised HIV status disclosure intervention: data and documentation",, DataSuds, V1
Collected in Senegal from 2015 to 2020, the dataset comprises 169 patients (subjects), children and adolescents living with HIV since childhood, and 250 demographic, psychosocial and virological descriptive variables. The data are longitudinal in nature, since for each patient th...
Aug 3, 2023 - Atolls of the World
Andréfouët, Serge, 2023, "Atolls of the World: statistics and documentation (MCRMP project)",, DataSuds, V1, UNF:6:x+V+R+uc/nEOTtGoWaSujA== [fileUNF]
The Millennium Coral Reef Mapping Project provides thematic maps of coral reefs worldwide at geomorphological scale. Maps were created by photo-interpretation of Landsat 7 and Landsat 8 satellite images. Statistics (surface areas in km2) and documentation information for atolls a...
Aug 3, 2023 - Atolls of the World
Andréfouët, Serge, 2023, "Atolls of Caribbean Sea and Atlantic Ocean: geospatial vector data (MCRMP project)",, DataSuds, V1
The Millennium Coral Reef Mapping Project provides thematic maps of coral reefs worldwide at geomorphological scale. Maps were created by photo-interpretation of Landsat 7 and Landsat 8 satellite images. Maps are provided as standard Shapefiles usable in GIS software. The geomorp...
Aug 3, 2023 - Atolls of the World
Andréfouët, Serge, 2023, "Atolls of Indian Ocean and Red Sea: geospatial vector data (MCRMP project)",, DataSuds, V1
The Millennium Coral Reef Mapping Project provides thematic maps of coral reefs worldwide at geomorphological scale. Maps were created by photo-interpretation of Landsat 7 and Landsat 8 satellite images. Maps are provided as standard Shapefiles usable in GIS software. The geomorp...
Aug 3, 2023 - Atolls of the World
Andréfouët, Serge, 2023, "Atolls of Pacific Ocean: geospatial vector data (MCRMP project)",, DataSuds, V1
The Millennium Coral Reef Mapping Project provides thematic maps of coral reefs worldwide at geomorphological scale. Maps were created by photo-interpretation of Landsat 7 and Landsat 8 satellite images. Maps are provided as standard Shapefiles usable in GIS software. The geomorp...
Aug 3, 2023 - Atolls of the World
Andréfouët, Serge, 2023, "Atolls of France: geospatial vector data (MCRMP project)",, DataSuds, V1
The Millennium Coral Reef Mapping Project provides thematic maps of coral reefs worldwide at geomorphological scale. Maps were created by photo-interpretation of Landsat 7 and Landsat 8 satellite images. Maps are provided as standard Shapefiles usable in GIS software. The geomorp...
Aug 3, 2023 - Atolls of the World
Andréfouët, Serge, 2023, "Atolls of Australia: geospatial vector data (MCRMP project)",, DataSuds, V1
The Millennium Coral Reef Mapping Project provides thematic maps of coral reefs worldwide at geomorphological scale. Maps were created by photo-interpretation of Landsat 7 and Landsat 8 satellite images. Maps are provided as standard Shapefiles usable in GIS software. The geomorp...
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