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21 to 30 of 91 Results
Dec 16, 2022 - TrEMOLO software - Data and codes
SABOT, Francois; MOHAMED, Mourdas, 2022, "Simulated genome sequences for replication control for TrEMOLO",, DataSuds, V1
This dataset contains the simulated genomes based on the G0-F100 initial sequence including the INSIDERs and OUTSIDERs simulated insertions.
TrEMOLO software - Data and codes logo
Dec 16, 2022UMR DIADE
TrEMOLO is a bioinformatics tool dedicated to the detection of transposable elements movements using long reads. This dataverse contains all the data that we used for the TrEMOLO paper: the simulated dataset, the source code of TrEMOLO as well as all the accessory codes. "TrEMOLO...
Dec 14, 2022 - UMR iEES-Paris
Bultelle, A.; Jouquet, P.; Monnin, T.; García-Ibarra, F.; Aroui Boukbida, H.; Labiadh, M., 2022, "Morphometric analysis of twelve ants species collected in Tunisia between 2018 and 2019.",, DataSuds, V1
Characterization of 63 ants from samplings conducted in Dar Dhaoui and Chammakh from 07/11/2018 to 02/07/2019. A total of 42 samplings of 1 to 30 individuals were carried out on sight, with tweezers, close to nests or along foraging lines. For each of these samples, ants were ide...
Dec 9, 2022 - ORIESA
Seguis, Luc; Perrin, Jean-Louis; Koffi, Ehouman Serge; Dutremble, Clement; Dao, Amidou; Zahiri, Eric-Pascal, 2022, "Water level in the Riviera catchment (Cocody, Abidjan, Côte d'Ivoire) (2020-)",, DataSuds, V1, UNF:6:qpk2bH4/yS5zDzQxyJ3Nyw== [fileUNF]
The Riviera watershed (Abidjan, Côte d'Ivoire) is urbanized and prone to flooding from overflowing stormwater drainage channels. This dataset provides instantaneous water level (cm) measured every minute in Palmeraie station in Cocody, Abidjan (Longitude -3,953755 Latitude 5,3746...
Programme hydraulique Via Sahel en pays Dogon, plaine du Séno-Gondo,  frontière Mali Burkina-Faso logo
Dec 8, 2022UMR HydroSciences Montpellier
Programme hydraulique Via Sahel en pays Dogon, plaine du Séno-Gondo, frontière Mali Burkina-Faso L’ONG Via Sahel a financé, depuis 1997, le creusement de 233 puits modernes. Au fil des ans, l’ONG a rencontré des difficultés liées à la nature du sol qui semble présenter, à certain...
JEAI TANIT(INSP, Tunisie ; INNTA, Tunisie ; INAT, Tunisie ; ISSHT, Tunisie ; Université de Tunis El Manar ; IRD)
Nov 23, 2022Tunisia (Tunisie)
Jeune Equipe Associée IRD TANIT : Transition Alimentaire et Nutritionnelle Intégrée en Tunisie La JEAI TANIT se situe dans la démarche IRD visant l'émergence ou le renforcement des capacités scientifiques des équipes de recherche dans les pays du Sud dans le cadre de partenariats...
Nov 21, 2022 - UMR iEES-Paris
Mahuzier, C.; Morand, S.; Chaisiri, K.; De Rouw, A.; Soulileuth, B.; Thinphovong, C.; Tran, A.; Valentin, C., 2022, "Random Forest land cover classifications of Sentinel satellite images in 2019, Saen Thong, Thailand",, DataSuds, V2
This dataset holds the results of different Random Forest classifications using the combination of Sentinel-2 Optical and Sentinel-1 Radar images. The different images were acquired in 2019. The dataset covers Saen Thong sub-district, Nan province in northern Thailand, a mountain...
Nov 16, 2022 - UMR Entropie
Ranaivomanana, Harinirina Sandra, 2022, "Intense pressure on small and juvenile coral reef fishes threatens fishery production in Madagascar",, DataSuds, V1, UNF:6:wsQcTqr2ApD/03zjtm6NnQ== [fileUNF]
The dataset includes a sample of fishery data on reef fish catches (catch per fishing trip, fish length, and catch composition at family level), minimal length at maturity for reef fishes, and fisher census in the Bay of Toliara, southwest Madagascar. These data were collected as...
Nov 16, 2022 - Savane de Lamto - LMI Ecologie et Développement Durable
Koffi, K.F.; N’Dri, A.B.; Srikanthasamy, T.; Lata, J.-C.; Konaté, S.; Konan, M.; Barot, S., 2022, "The annual demographic fates of the main perennial grass species of the Lamto humid savanna (Côte d'Ivoire) under the influence of four fire treatments between 2015 to 2019",, DataSuds, V1
This file contains data of a scientific article accepted for publication in Fire. These data represent the demographic fates of the four dominant perennial grass species of the Lamto savanna (Andropogon canaliculatus, Andropogon schirensis, Hyparrhenia diplandra and Loudetia simp...
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