211 to 220 of 263 Results
Jun 9, 2023 -
Replication data and scripts for: Ancient dolphin genomes reveal rapid repeated adaptation to coastal waters
Gzip Archive - 12.8 KB -
MD5: 068eb49f9c9aaeb60632c4cde49783ca
Scripts and input files to run D-statistics (Figures S9 and S10). To uncompress, type "tar xzvf 4.1.D_statistics.tar.gz" |
Jun 9, 2023 -
Replication data and scripts for: Ancient dolphin genomes reveal rapid repeated adaptation to coastal waters
Gzip Archive - 21.9 MB -
MD5: 823c1555aa862779e58967acee925a6c
Scripts and input file to format the files and run qprbute from an haplo file (subfolder 4.2.1.pseudohaploid_withSP1060) or a vcf file (subfolder 4.2.2.genotypes_modern) (Figure 2 and S11). To uncompress, type "tar xzvf 4.2.qpbrute.tar.gz" |
Jun 9, 2023 -
Replication data and scripts for: Ancient dolphin genomes reveal rapid repeated adaptation to coastal waters
Gzip Archive - 7.8 MB -
MD5: 19899db3c096b4cc9e222b9477f727ea
Scripts and input files to run and plot heterozygosity (subfolder 5.1.heterozygosity), and genotype plots, NJ tree (including bootstrapping) and PCA (subfolder P5.2.CA_NJtree_genotype_plot) for the SNPs under parallel linked selection. There is aslo a subfolder within 5.2. to gen... |
Jun 9, 2023 -
Replication data and scripts for: Ancient dolphin genomes reveal rapid repeated adaptation to coastal waters
Gzip Archive - 299.5 KB -
MD5: a870965b07accdc346cfbb09c65b1a7d
Scripts and input files to generate the mitogenone analyses (Figure S1). R script and files to plot the samples (Figure 1a). To uncompress, type "tar xzvf 6.mitogenomes.tar.gz" |
Jun 9, 2023 -
Replication data and scripts for: Ancient dolphin genomes reveal rapid repeated adaptation to coastal waters
Gzip Archive - 299.5 KB -
MD5: 92824da49b11ec507505443c62440966
R script and files to plot the samples (Figure 1a). To uncompress, type "tar xzvf map.tar.gz" |
ZIP Archive - 496.9 KB -
MD5: 9e42e873829083e78d983ad15c468c16
Archive containing the input data in CSV format. The archive needs to be unzipped before using the R script. |
ZIP Archive - 149.0 MB -
MD5: a4094d27d5c9763ca3a8b7701dd71d84
Folder containing the models : because the models may take very long to fit (due to the size of the raw data), they were pre-fit and saved as RDS files in this folder. To reduce computation time, users may open them directly from this folder instead of re-fitting them. NB : This... |
ZIP Archive - 1.6 MB -
MD5: 3e9a225d1667621b345f4cd3d4f01456
Gauge time series for year 2019, ZIP archive including all locations (7 CSV files) |
ZIP Archive - 7.4 MB -
MD5: ca7d1055f8220eb8d5144d172d87ddbd
Gauge time series for year 2020, ZIP archive including all locations (9 CSV files) |
ZIP Archive - 12.9 MB -
MD5: 4605d99e04d400c597167f44e2995ebb
Gauge time series for year 2021, ZIP archive including all locations (17 CSV files) |