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91 to 100 of 759 Results
Nov 21, 2022 - UMR iEES-Paris
Mahuzier, C.; Morand, S.; Chaisiri, K.; De Rouw, A.; Soulileuth, B.; Thinphovong, C.; Tran, A.; Valentin, C., 2022, "Random Forest land cover classifications of Sentinel satellite images in 2019, Saen Thong, Thailand",, DataSuds, V2
This dataset holds the results of different Random Forest classifications using the combination of Sentinel-2 Optical and Sentinel-1 Radar images. The different images were acquired in 2019. The dataset covers Saen Thong sub-district, Nan province in northern Thailand, a mountain...
OpenOffice Spreadsheet - 185.1 KB - MD5: a36f62dc8bcd60f93590c5a9c188695c
Random Forest Classification confusion matrix
PNG Image - 1.3 MB - MD5: 8ffc978f37220b57e50c4d35ae3ebbd5
Saen Thong 2019 Land Cover map
Shapefile as ZIP Archive - 592.2 KB - MD5: aa67fdd76da971e6de3d3158ee7974b4
Flooded zones 2019
Shapefile as ZIP Archive - 7.1 MB - MD5: 4f0f89bbeef4f5d17eff821f1b8faac5
Saenthong 2019 vectorized land cover, style file (Qgis), training and validation samples
ZIP Archive - 5.8 MB - MD5: c87563c3ec38520c79008c7f8528c518
Random Forest Classification tif format
Nov 16, 2022 - UMR Entropie
Ranaivomanana, Harinirina Sandra, 2022, "Intense pressure on small and juvenile coral reef fishes threatens fishery production in Madagascar",, DataSuds, V1, UNF:6:wsQcTqr2ApD/03zjtm6NnQ== [fileUNF]
The dataset includes a sample of fishery data on reef fish catches (catch per fishing trip, fish length, and catch composition at family level), minimal length at maturity for reef fishes, and fisher census in the Bay of Toliara, southwest Madagascar. These data were collected as...
Archive RAR - 33.7 KB - MD5: a32e0c198291497bca39f6be0cd17cf5
Code R for processing the datasets
Valeurs séparées par des virgules - 62.7 KB - MD5: 881b00d7615bb12663875bacebd78a2d
Catch composition at family level
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