41 to 50 of 186 Results
Plain Text - 4.4 KB -
MD5: 60edbfa41ac0f075bc3861333b91572e
Readme file. Fichier lisez moi in format text |
Adobe PDF - 376.5 KB -
MD5: 9dc58741a77eb476a1fac3541643d218
Process of soil water capacities (Water Holding Capacity - WHC) from the FAO soil map. Calcul des capacités en eau des sols (Water Holding Capacity - WHC) à partir de la carte des sols de la FAO |
Adobe PDF - 260.1 KB -
MD5: 595eed40330027ead7d6f5b3942a51bb
Adobe PDF - 261.1 KB -
MD5: ed3f7f2d6b077c594f4db65c8e3e2725
Notice for the contents of the datasets and description of the files Gridded data, monthly flow rates, GIS layers |
Shapefile as ZIP Archive - 783.9 KB -
MD5: 5d3ba9366e008d7b2eb03b8c9ac77681
- Catchment boundaries in shapefile format (contours de sous-bassins des 10 stations hydrometriques du bassin versant de la Sanaga) and
-Monthly discharge (in l/s) data available issued from SIEREM in .txt format (débits mensuels (l/s) issus du système d'informations SIEREM (.t... |
ZIP Archive - 168.1 KB -
MD5: f8befad729bdbc80cab82f2d343100c7
-Hydrographic network of the Sanaga basin in ArcGis shapefile format and represented linearly. -Couche du réseau hydrographique du bassin versant de la Sanaga, représenté linéairement au format ArcGis. |
Adobe PDF - 8.3 KB -
MD5: 1bcf7106863726ceb87c7d5bfc8fe56d
Readme file. Fichier lisez moi |
JPEG Image - 85.4 KB -
MD5: 38e5732017b90a3f82559bdb19d3b852
Graph of El Beid watershed and hydrometric station. Graphique du bassin El Beid et situation des stations hydrometriques |
Adobe PDF - 376.5 KB -
MD5: 9dc58741a77eb476a1fac3541643d218
Process of soil water capacities (Water Holding Capacity - WHC) from the FAO soil map.
Calcul des capacités en eau des sols (Water Holding Capacity - WHC) à partir de la carte des sols de la FAO |
ZIP Archive - 6.3 KB -
MD5: 7e54bd367516dd3e9bc16a297b074b3c
- Catchment boundaries in shapefile format
(contours de sous-bassins d'une station hydrometrique du bassin versant de l'El Beid)
-Monthly discharge (in l/s) data available issued from SIEREM in .txt format (débits mensuels (l/s) issus du système d'informations SIEREM (.txt for... |