Etudier, quantifier, prévoir les impacts du climat et des activités humaines sur les ressources en eau des régions méditerranéennes et tropicales
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141 to 150 of 186 Results
Tabular Data - 2.7 KB - 3 Variables, 54 Observations - UNF:6:fANow0Uve8cY19x1omehYA==
List of measured parameters, with units and equipment (CSV version)
Tabular Data - 15.0 KB - 301 Variables, 11 Observations - UNF:6:ppm20A90uCYACbhwwMUNUA==
DataMetadataTime Series
Station Mé - Rivière
Tabular Data - 15.4 KB - 301 Variables, 11 Observations - UNF:6:KP9o0yZ2Gag5W1EW6YphEw==
DataMetadataTime Series
Station Ria Grande - Lagune Aghien
Tabular Data - 654 B - 3 Variables, 21 Observations - UNF:6:INoaIN6JfwMrvpZhooU4/A==
DataMetadataTime Series
List of station locations (longitude, latitude)
Tabular Data - 4.5 MB - 2 Variables, 183323 Observations - UNF:6:k5ICU8izBWm7bcX03xX5ig==
DataMetadataTime Series
Instantaneous water level in Djibi Pont station, Ivory Coast
Tabular Data - 5.5 MB - 2 Variables, 192293 Observations - UNF:6:/dBeGVh8T8XePCDQBBCRbQ==
DataMetadataTime Series
15-minutes water flow in Djibi Pont station, Ivory Coast
Tabular Data - 52.7 KB - 2 Variables, 2012 Observations - UNF:6:PCP1543dFzaCRvpkHElCQA==
DataMetadataTime Series
Daily flow in Djibi-Pont station, Ivory Coast
Tabular Data - 55.0 KB - 2 Variables, 2110 Observations - UNF:6:48far1ySlR5oVjtu82WIbA==
DataMetadataTime Series
Daily flow in Mé station, Ivory Coast
ZIP Archive - 472.3 KB - MD5: c301636d7d47bae697d83fa418c36e7f
Time series for annual minimum of 7-day discharge, one file per station. Columns are the year, month, day and the data as the last column
ZIP Archive - 473.8 KB - MD5: 217b980f7642ff7f5d1cbf0d15cd4206
Time series for annual maximum runoff, one file per station. Columns are the year, month, day and the data as the last column
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