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61 to 70 of 114 Results
Adobe PDF - 48.2 KB - MD5: 103fa04d275ad12beafa60cc3ed0b2b8
Data dictionary and referenties
Tabular Data - 5.8 KB - 2 Variables, 9 Observations - UNF:6:C+8gMYcWK/8iPVutLCKujw==
Original xls file with data and documentation
May 16, 2024
Barnaud, Adeline; Veltman, Margaretha; Kaczmarek, Thomas; Argout, Xavier; Vigouroux, Yves; Berthouly-Salazar, Cecile; Billot, Claire, 2024, "High throughput genetic diversity analyses of neglected crops: training data, codes and materials (Africa)", https://doi.org/10.23708/ETC16I, DataSuds, V1, UNF:6:ON0wb/ZYjxl4qqjnr8NEPA== [fileUNF]
Marginal land is land that is of little agricultural value because crops produced there would be worth less than any rent paid for access to the area. Helping to develop such zones in Africa is a key goal for the EU-funded EWA-BELT project. The aim is to promote the sustainable i...
Plain Text - 2.1 KB - MD5: 0ad59fd46069aaec2008347fc45ec2ce
Dataset citation, description and terms of use.
Plain Text - 382.2 MB - MD5: 5888c01657ff5624ad88b8200d103076
This file contains the data for the GWAS analysis to be used with 'S4_script_GWAS_basic_Rcode.pdf' (Varshney et al. 2017).
Gzip Archive - 53.7 MB - MD5: 7ac07ce9f286e974d6c5c572c40f78d8
VCF file containing the raw genomic data of pearl millet. This data file is associated with the script "S2_filter_VCF.html".These data are published in Berthouly-Salazar et al. (2016).
Adobe PDF - 1.8 MB - MD5: fdde654296e7c56ad70fd3ee0a2ea070
This file presents the course, its objectives and the context in which it was implemented.
text/vcard - 34.5 MB - MD5: 6eab73245746d73169f90b8141511fa0
VCF file containing the genomic data of the pearl millet. This data file is associated with the script "S3_Genetic_diversity+structure.html".These data are published in Berthouly-Salazar et al. (2016).
Tabular Data - 2.5 KB - 5 Variables, 55 Observations - UNF:6:LNg1C4IBq05VUN9bbZDOeQ==
Table containing the passport data of the pearl millet accessions in the VCF file. This data file is associated with the script "S3_Genetic_diversity+structure.html". These data are published in Berthouly-Salazar et al. (2016).
Adobe PDF - 288.7 KB - MD5: dbbdb9df803c84725df9ff5b4abc42f7
This file is a tutorial for installing R and RStudio.
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