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Plain Text - 2.3 KB - MD5: 1381587b6dd4ffa973924d0b42d7625d
Dataset citation and description.
Tabular Data - 18.7 KB - 7 Variables, 312 Observations - UNF:6:bVwT1LHfsVecioUynek+gA==
Morphometric measurements (length, width, ...) of archeological date palm seeds from Libya. The column "Site" corresponds to the archaeological sites: "GHI" = Ghirza; "ZIN" = Zinkekra.
Tabular Data - 421.6 KB - 8 Variables, 6541 Observations - UNF:6:aE017VmluAyHQW29h/DEkQ==
Morphometric measurements (length, width, ...) of seeds from 328 modern date palms
Tabular Data - 166.9 KB - 7 Variables, 2372 Observations - UNF:6:EA1GdWbKlAxvARCWP3v3wg==
List of the 2372 white fonio collection with passport information (country, project, geographical coordinates, year of sampling). A column indicates whether the accession was included or not in the genetic analyses. Clones are also indicated.
Tabular Data - 294.4 KB - 20 Variables, 1539 Observations - UNF:6:nqX4D5T4z/xl5aC5ZR319A==
SSRs data and passport information (including geographical coordinates) for the 1539 fonio accessions successfully genotyped.
Plain Text - 2.4 KB - MD5: 9e6891c5735fcc1df88d462203fa664d
Dataset summary
Tabular Data - 167.7 KB - 106 Variables, 371 Observations - UNF:6:0DU/A3JpDpAzWfzkjq7pXA==
Excel workbook containing 4 sheets (individual populations), plus one sheet (four populations combined). When downloading, select option "MS Excel - Original File Format".
Tabular Data - 6.1 KB - 1 Variables, 120 Observations - UNF:6:kVJeBx2o7n2Ivo2oIfE5nw==
Grain yield and fodder yield for each landrace per repetition
Tabular Data - 1.4 KB - 1 Variables, 30 Observations - UNF:6:934e90kSsr/w67IBQ4eeFg==
Soil measures for the two villages: NO3,NH4,N,C,C/N,P and pH
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