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71 to 80 of 101 Results
Adobe PDF - 8.0 MB - MD5: b221ac40593882f7deb0a1a3d35b3a17
Introduction to Population Genetics for analysing the genetic diversity of crops
HTML - 4.3 MB - MD5: 828d31d700d62f10b8f9fbf120f7883a
In this R tutorial, we we will take a processed VCF. First, we will explore diversity through: polymorphic SNPs (required packages: adegenet), allele frequencies (required packages: adegenet), private and shared alleles (required packages: poppr), allelic richness (required packa...
R Syntax - 975 B - MD5: c7a6dda8fc71fd10aebe8212eb9edbdf
List of packages to install for session 3 on diversity and structure analysis. To be opened with RStudio.
Adobe PDF - 3.8 MB - MD5: f5d2b43e2d5a5eefd051c29b2c68833e
Introduction to Population Genetics for analysing the genetic structure of crops.
Adobe PDF - 912.5 KB - MD5: da9c01bfb9ae62fefc2a5b288cc9889d
Introduction to the core concept of genome wide association studies.
Adobe PDF - 73.2 KB - MD5: 17bd3bb83031e7349c5d4730581569e8
This file comments on the R script for GWAS analysis.
Adobe PDF - 574.9 KB - MD5: b3bd4b806a6968e50f665cd4e34e832b
This file presents a script for GWAS analysis using R. We used a dataset of pearl millet accessions (Varshney et al. 2017).
Tabular Data - 2.5 KB - 5 Variables, 55 Observations - UNF:6:LNg1C4IBq05VUN9bbZDOeQ==
Table containing the passport data of the pearl millet accessions. This data file is associated with the script "S1_Introduction_to_R_Passport.html". These data are published in Berthouly-Salazar et al. (2016).
Gzip Archive - 206.7 MB - MD5: 161bb7f90f38757bd830bc5e005cd453
Called genotypes (chromosome 1) from Illumina whole-genome sequencing of an Indica x Japonica rice F2 population
Plain Text - 1.0 KB - MD5: 91fe283277eff5f80f7fb8e3703d8c40
ReadMe file - data citation, description and terms of use.
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