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Feb 1, 2021
Guyot, Romain; Orozco-Arias, Simon; Isaza, Gustavo, 2021, "Fasta files for InpactorDB: A Plant classified lineage-level LTR retrotransposon reference library for free-alignment methods based on Machine Learning", https://doi.org/10.23708/QCMOUA, DataSuds, V2
Here, we present InpactorDB a semi-curated dataset composed of 130,511 elements from 195 plant genomes belonging to 108 plant species, classified down to the lineage level. This dataset has been used to train two deep neural networks (one fully connected and one convolutional) fo... |
Mar 10, 2020
Guyot, Romain; Hamon, Perla; Couturon, Emmanuel; Raharimalala, Nathalie; Rakotomalala, Jean-Jacques, 2020, "Photo bank for: WCSdb: A database of Wild Coffea Species", https://doi.org/10.23708/JZA8I2, DataSuds, V1, UNF:6:D4jmlyKfcJyf9HHyxzxguQ== [fileUNF]
Coffee is a beverage enjoyed by millions of people worldwide and an important commodity for millions of people. Beside the two cultivated species (Coffea arabica and Coffea canephora), the 139 wild coffee species belong to the Coffea genus are largely unknown to coffee scientists... |
Mar 9, 2020
Guyot, Romain; Charr, Jean-Claude; Garavito, Andrea; Guyeux, Christophe; Crouzillat, Dominique; Descombes, Patrick; Ly, Serigne; Raharimalala, Eva; Rakotomalala, Jean-Jacques; Stoffelen, Piet; Janssen, Steven; Hamon,Perla, 2020, "Replication Data for: Complex evolutionary history of coffees including Coffea canephora (Robusta coffee) revealed by full plastid genomes and 28,800 nuclear SNPs analyses", https://doi.org/10.23708/KWRIJJ, DataSuds, V1
The dataset concerns all chloroplast complete sequences for Coffea genus. Sequences were annotated with the Genbank format (*.gb). |