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221 to 230 of 263 Results
ZIP Archive - 10.5 MB - MD5: ee3002f650bd856eafd5952f57e2bb0e
DataTime Series
Gauge time series for year 2022, ZIP archive including 10 locations (7 CSV files)
ZIP Archive - 7.7 MB - MD5: d08d3b2de08a223bf7a992440c5b5031
DataTime Series
Gauge time series for year 2022, ZIP archive including CHU locations (7 CSV files)
ZIP Archive - 301.2 KB - MD5: 7d00b44bfd43f82760b0d1500f661c5e
Annotations for 400 images per geographic zones, JSON format (COCO-style): presence or absence of 91 categories of objects or concepts on the images.
ZIP Archive - 168.1 MB - MD5: b3467eebbefb50907f880809a97fb8df
23 text files: comma separated URLs for each of the 23 geographic zones. Files are named according to geographic zones (UN M49 standard)
ZIP Archive - 213.9 KB - MD5: 4288be6f0763234a9becf9bd6f10d2f4
Licenses for the 400 annotations per geographic zones (based on the original licenses specified per image), CSV format.
ZIP Archive - 18.8 KB - MD5: 59039b329ca3c2c7c0d372848b271f53
qml files for each class of the land cover
ZIP Archive - 45.7 MB - MD5: fbd89eded443d033208d613612c46542
Gzip Archive - 115.9 MB - MD5: 7a912bbb0b98eb838c66e7a081e44d0a
Simulated genome sequences for replicating the TrEMOLO benchmarking assays
ZIP Archive - 5.8 MB - MD5: c87563c3ec38520c79008c7f8528c518
Random Forest Classification tif format
Archive RAR - 33.7 KB - MD5: a32e0c198291497bca39f6be0cd17cf5
Code R for processing the datasets
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