In this R tutorial, we we will take a processed VCF. First, we will explore diversity through: polymorphic SNPs (required packages: adegenet), allele frequencies (required packages: adegenet), private and shared alleles (required packages: poppr), allelic richness (required packages: hierfstat), heterozygosity (required packages: hierfstat), and genetic differentiation (required packages: hierfstat).
We will also illustrate how to summarise genetic diversity in a distance matrix (required packages: poppr), a phylogenetic tree (required packages: poppr, ape), a principal component analysis (required packages: adegenet), and a discriminant analysis of principal components (required packages: adegenet).
Finally, we will dive deeper into the detection of population structure and loci under selection with: ancestry coefficient estimation (required packages: LEA and tess3r) and Fst outliers (required packages: OutFLANK).
The Data dictionary is included in the file. |