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101 to 110 of 136 Results
Dietary transitions in Ghana(Univ. of Ghana, Univ. of Health and Allied Sciences - Ghana, Univ. of Sheffield, Univ. of Liverpool, Loughborough Univ., CIRAD, IRD)
Dietary transitions in Ghana logo
Apr 30, 2020UMR NUTRIPASS (2008-2020)
Mapping the factors in the social and physical food environments that drive consumption of energy dense nutrient-poor (EDNP) foods and beverages, to identify interventions targeting women and adolescent girls throughout the reproductive life course. Africa is currently experienci...
UMR NUTRIPASS (2008-2020)(IRD, Univ.Montpellier, Montpellier SupAgro)
UMR NUTRIPASS (2008-2020) logo
Apr 17, 2020
Food And Nutrition Research in the Global South From 2008 to 2020, NutriPass Joint Research Unit (UMR 204) developed research on nutritional status as determinants and consequences, as well as on strategies and intervention policies. Its research was centered around issues which...
Vietnam logo
Apr 14, 2020Partnerships
IRD partnerships in Vietnam IRD is involved in Vietnam as part of its research since the early 1990s. The research activities are conducted by IRD researchers on assignment with Vietnamese research institutions or researchers during short or medium stays. These research activitie...
Partnerships logo
Apr 14, 2020
Data collected with -or by- IRD partners, especially in southern countries and southern territories
ECOTERM(IRD - French National Research Institute for Sustainable Development)
Mar 30, 2020UMR iEES-Paris
This project aims to generate major breakthroughs in the quantification of ecosystem services provided by biodiversity in agro-ecosystems in the lower Mekong basin, a region facing dramatic environmental and societal changes. In Laos and Cambodia, paddy fields appear as mosaics o...
UMR IMBE(Aix-Marseille University, CNRS, IRD, Avignon University)
Mar 20, 2020
Mediterranean Institute of marine and terrestrial Biodiversity and Ecology With more than 280 environmental research professionals, IMBE supports strong expertise in the fields of biodiversity, evolution, ecology, paleoecology, health-environment relationships and human-environme...
AgroLD(SouthGreen Bioinformatics Platform, IRD, CIRAD)
AgroLD logo
Mar 16, 2020UMR DIADE
Agronomic Linked Data The RDF Knowledge-based Database for plant molecular networks
Ivory Coast Development Knowledge Fabric Lab logo
Mar 7, 2020UMI SOURCE
The Ivory Coast Development Fabric Knowledge Laboratory (IC-DFK Lab) est un laboratoire de recherche qui s'intéresse à la fabrique des Intelligences, des Savoirs et des Savoir-faire du développement en Côte d'Ivoire et qui rassemble de la donnée scientifique socio-éco-écologique...
Mar 7, 2020
L'Unité Mixte Internationale Soutenabilité et Résilience (UMI272 SOURCE) est une unité de recherche pluridisciplinaire créée en 2022 rattachée à l’IRD, l’UVSQ, et l'Université Paris-Saclay. Elle est composée de 4 antennes : Côte d'ivoire, France, Madagascar, et Sénégal. L'équipe...
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