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41 to 50 of 1,359 Results
Nov 4, 2024 - UMR G-EAU
Massuel, Sylvain; Doung, Ratha; Chhuon, Kong; Vanhanja, Jonathan; Eang, Khy Eam; Chork, Vuthy; Lun, Sambo; Siev, Sokly; Baudron, Paul, 2024, "Water Level Data from the Prek System of the Cambodian Mekong Delta (2020-2024)",, DataSuds, V1, UNF:6:5EExCBfUtdTFxLtKc/qydA== [fileUNF]
As in many tropical deltas globally, annual floods shape the livelihoods of the largely rural population in the Cambodian Mekong delta. Agricultural cycles are keyed to the flood arrival, peak, and recession, and fish populations depend on inundated floodplains for their regenera...
Oct 30, 2024 - Observatory of Rural Dynamics and Inequalities in South India (ODRIIS)
Guérin, Isabelle; Venkatasubramanian, Govindan; Michiels, Sébastien; Roesch, Marc; Natal, Arnaud, 2024, "RUME 2010 survey data",, Harvard Dataverse
These data come from the RUME (RUral Microfinance and Employment) survey carried out in 2010 among 405 households in 10 villages in the districts of Cuddalore and Viluppuram, in the rural region of Tamil Nadu (South India). This is the first wave of a multi-thematic socio-economi...
This Dataset is harvested from our partners. Clicking the link will take you directly to the archival source of the data.
Oct 30, 2024 - Observatory of Rural Dynamics and Inequalities in South India (ODRIIS)
Nordman, Christophe Jalil; Guérin, Isabelle; Venkatasubramanian, Govindan; Michiels, Sébastien; Lanos, Youna; Hilger, Anne; Kumar, Santosh; Raj, Antony; Natal, Arnaud, 2024, "NEEMSIS-1 2016-17 survey data",, Harvard Dataverse
These data come from the NEEMSIS-1 (Network, Employment, dEbt, Migration and Skills in India Survey) wave carried out in 2016-17 among 492 households in more than 10 villages in the districts of Cuddalore and Viluppuram, in the rural region of Tamil Nadu (South India). This is th...
This Dataset is harvested from our partners. Clicking the link will take you directly to the archival source of the data.
Oct 21, 2024 - ECOTERM
Lao, C.; Jouquet, P.; Sok, K.; Marchand, S.; Audibert, M., 2024, "Farmer economic and social surveys in the Chrey Bak catchment, Cambodia: Rainy Season Rice Farming Activities, and Perceptions and Usage of Termite Mounds",, DataSuds, V1
This dataset comprises raw data collected from a field survey conducted at Stung Chrey Bak catchment in Kampong Chhnang Province, Cambodia, between March and April 2024. A total of 589 farmers from 54 villages of Tuek Phos and Rolea B'ier districts were interviewed to gather info...
ActNAO(IRD - French National Research Institute for Sustainable Development)
ActNAO logo
Oct 7, 2024UMR HydroSciences Montpellier
La collection ActNAO contient les données qui seront partagées par le collectif ActNAO qui travaille sur la thématique de l'ACTualisation des Normes hydrologiques en Afrique de l'Ouest. Il faut agir maintenant! The ActNAO collection contains data that will be shared by the ActNAO...
Oct 3, 2024 - UMI TransVIHMI
Jérémy T Campillo; Marco A Biamonte; Marlhand C Hemilembolo; François Missamou; Michel Boussinesq; Sébastien D S Pion; Cédric B Chesnais, 2024, "Evaluation of a novel biplex rapid diagnostic test for antibody responses to Loa loa and Onchocerca volvulus infections in Congo (2022-2023)",, DataSuds, V1, UNF:6:qCdTkG9BQz9G5jQuik9iQA== [fileUNF]
Loiasis, a disease caused by the parasite Loa loa impacting approximately 10 million people in Central Africa, causes transient angioedemas called Calabar swellings and eye worm episodes. Treatment is challenging, particularly in regions where onchocerciasis, another type of fila...
Oct 3, 2024 - UMI TransVIHMI
Kinganda Lusamaki, Eddy; Amuri -Aziza, Adrienne; Fernandez-Nuñez, Nicolas; Mbala-Kingebeni, Placide; Peeters, Martine; Ahuka-Mundeke, Steve; Mpox DRC Genomic surveillance team and partners, 2024, "Clade I Mpox virus genomic diversity in the Democratic Republic of the Congo, 2018 - 2024: Predominance of Zoonotic Transmission",, Zenodo
429 newly generated MPXV Clade-I genomes from DRC from 2018 to 2024 and related analysis. Also available at and
This Dataset is harvested from our partners. Clicking the link will take you directly to the archival source of the data.
Sep 30, 2024 - CERES Team
Grondin, Alexandre; Tran, Hien Linh; Hoang, Giang Thi; Gantet, Pascal, 2024, "Grain ionomic in Vietnamese rice landraces (2019-2024)",, DataSuds, V1, UNF:6:9e39AEthrB4VQqWHkzzsgQ== [fileUNF]
Rice (Oryza sativa L.) is a staple food for half of the world’s population and its biofortification is a key factor in fighting micronutrient malnutrition. However, harmful heavy metals tend to accumulate in rice grains due to soil and water contamination. Therefore, it is import...
Sep 30, 2024 - UMR Ceped
Nouaman, Marcellin; Becquet, Valentine; Plazy, Mélanie; Agoua, Aline; Zebago, Clémence; Dao, Hervé; Jary, Aude; Coffie, Patrick; Eholié, Serge; Larmarange, Joseph, 2024, "Documentation des tables analytiques de la cohorte 2019-2023 du projet PRINCESSE (Côte d'Ivoire)",, DataSuds, V1
En Côte d’Ivoire, la prévalence du VIH chez les TS est d’environ 5% soit 2,5 fois plus qu’en population générale. Bien que le préservatif soit généralement bien utilisé, il existe des exceptions (non utilisation avec un partenaire régulier, un client violent ou contre une forte s...
Sep 27, 2024 - DYNADIV Team
Adji, Beda-Innocent; Chakocha Ngandjui, Armel Franklin; Guibien Cléophas Zerbo; Marie Louise Avana Tientcheu; Hardy, Olivier; Mariac, Cédric; Duminil, Jérôme, 2024, "Data on the Genetic Diversity Study of the African Olive (Canarium schweinfurthii, Burseraceae) in Africa for Climate Change Adaptation",, DataSuds, V1, UNF:6:j8ybPdLmWqOvh7eHYFEd2A== [fileUNF]
In Africa, the decline of numerous tree species due to rapid population growth, deforestation, and climate change is a major concern. Several native multi-purpose agroforestry species are at risk of losing genetic diversity, which may lead to their extinction. This is the case fo...
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