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6,721 to 6,730 of 6,796 Results
Ivory Coast Development Knowledge Fabric Lab logo
Mar 7, 2020UMI SOURCE
The Ivory Coast Development Fabric Knowledge Laboratory (IC-DFK Lab) est un laboratoire de recherche qui s'intéresse à la fabrique des Intelligences, des Savoirs et des Savoir-faire du développement en Côte d'Ivoire et qui rassemble de la donnée scientifique socio-éco-écologique...
Mar 7, 2020
L'Unité Mixte Internationale Soutenabilité et Résilience (UMI272 SOURCE) est une unité de recherche pluridisciplinaire créée en 2022 rattachée à l’IRD, l’UVSQ, et l'Université Paris-Saclay. Elle est composée de 4 antennes : Côte d'ivoire, France, Madagascar, et Sénégal. L'équipe...
UMR PHIM(CIRAD, INRAE, IRD, Montpellier SupAgro, Univ.Montpellier)
Mar 4, 2020
Plant Health Institute of Montpellier Among the interactions between the plant and its environment (microbial organisms or insects, whether pathogenic or beneficial), the research unit studies those that have an impact on plant health, growth and productivity. The unit is organiz...
UMR IGE(CNRS, Grenoble INP, INRAE, IRD, Univ. Grenoble Alpes)
UMR IGE logo
Feb 19, 2020
Institute of Environmental Geosciences The research unit IGE is one of the main laboratories of the Observatory of Sciences of the Universe from Grenoble. The IGE conducts research on climate, the water cycle, the cryosphere, and natural and man-made environments. This research a...
UMR MIO(Univ.Aix-Marseille, Univ.Toulon, CNRS, IRD)
UMR MIO logo
Feb 18, 2020
Mediterranean Institute of Oceanography The MIO research laboratory is a component of the OSU-Pytheas Institute. Our goal is to better understand the oceanic system and its evolution in response to global changes. The MIO constitutes a center of expertise in marine biology, ecolo...
REACT Project(IRD; Institut Pierre Richet (IPR) - Bouaké, Côte d’Ivoire; Université Alassane Ouattara (UAO) - Bouaké, Côte d’Ivoire; Institut de Recherche en Sciences de la Santé (IRSS) - Bobo-Dioulasso, Burkina-Faso)
Feb 13, 2020UMR MIVEGEC
Insecticide resistance management in Burkina Faso and Côte d'Ivoire: research on vector control strategies The fight against malaria faces now the challenge of the emergence and expansion of the resistance to both curative (drugs) and preventive (vector control) tools. Vector con...
UMR MIVEGEC(IRD, CNRS, Univ.Montpellier)
Feb 13, 2020
Infectious Diseases and Vectors: Ecology, Genetics, Evolution and Control The aims of the group MIVEGEC are to develop integrative and transdisciplinary research to the mechanisms that maintain, amplify and transmit pathogenic agents, along with their genetic and epigenetic deter...
Tabular Data - 408 B - 2 Variables, 12 Observations - UNF:6:y5Zj/XE7YFjIocVdb7mhWg==
EVOGEC Team logo
Feb 6, 2020UMR DIADE
EVOGEC Team: Evolution of Coffee trees Genomes
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